Selective Operations

When the Production or Injection requires the isolation of multiple zones of the well,
there exists additional demands in the tools to be used, such as their selectivity,
reliability and the reduction of time in the intervention.


‣  Reliability and reduction of time in the intervention.
‣  Retrievable and Resettable.
‣  Isolation of multiple zones of the well.


Hydraulic Retrievable Packer PHA10
Tandem Hydraulic Retrievable Packer PHA10
Packer Recuperable Hidráulico PHA11
Hydraulic Retrievable Packer PHA10
Packer Recuperable Hidráulico PHA10 INOX
Packer Recuperable Hidráulico Tándem PHA10 INOX


We have a wide variety of tools according to specific conditions and requirements.
Request Our Complete Catalog of Selective Operations